The slab I estimated weighed over 600lbs. in the raw. The completed table I believe weighs over 700lbs. The base is solid figured Bubinga. Although the table is held together with 4 joints (two mortise and tenon, and two sliding dovetails) It is structurally strong enough to park a Toyota on top. This table will last for generations. Moving and delivering this table brought a few challenges but things went unbelievably smoothly. The video below is a rather log slide show of the construction details.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
creating a rather large bubinga table
The slab I estimated weighed over 600lbs. in the raw. The completed table I believe weighs over 700lbs. The base is solid figured Bubinga. Although the table is held together with 4 joints (two mortise and tenon, and two sliding dovetails) It is structurally strong enough to park a Toyota on top. This table will last for generations. Moving and delivering this table brought a few challenges but things went unbelievably smoothly. The video below is a rather log slide show of the construction details.
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